Darien Summer School & Enrichment

Medical Information

We welcome you and your child to Darien Summer School & Enrichment (DSS&E). To best ensure the health and safety of our DSS&E participants, all students who are enrolling in DSS&E programs MUST complete the Emergency Medical Section during the online registration process, or submit an Emergency Medical Information Form with hand-written registrations. 

Any registration missing emergency medical information will be placed on hold until the information is received.  It is of utmost importance that the emergency medical information section for your children is updated on an annual basis to ensure information is current. 

If your child has any life-threatening food allergies, chronic illness, or other health challenge requiring nursing care or medication(s) during their time at DSS&E, please contact Val Maroney or Emily Merritt PRIOR to the start of DSS&E to ensure appropriate health care plans are in place, and to facilitate medication drop-offs, if indicated. 

During the School Year Nurse Contact information:

Valerie Maroney, School Nurse at MMS 

203.655.2518 x 3238 



Emily Merritt, DPS Director of Nursing Services

203.655.3981 x2304 


While Summer School is in Session:

All required medications should be dispensed ONLY by the DSS nurse.

If you have any medical questions or concerns during DSS&E, call our nurse, Val Maroney:  203.655.3981 x2496