Darien Summer School & Enrichment

Summer PALS

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Ages 3-5

Help your child bridge the transition between preschool and kindergarten! A head teacher, assisted by a full-time aide, will guide your child and 11 other children through daily "playing and learning sessions" (PALS). Your son/daughter will be involved in numerous hands-on activities that promote their social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth, while encouraging their enthusiasm and curiosity. If your child turns age three by January 1, 2016, he/she qualifies for this program. If your child is registered to enter kindergarten in the fall of 2016 he/she is welcome. Your child's classroom placement will be based on a number of carefully considered criteria employed to ensure a stimulating and positive experience.

(Note: Toilet-training is a prerequisite.)

This class is being held at Tokeneke School.

Class Title Session(s) Dates & Times Instructor
Summer PALS (PALS100) Schedule Full 24 6/27 Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr. 9AM-12PM Sproch